This one is easy. If you’ve been capturing leads for a while, you have a sizeable database of potential buyers. Show your list of buyer leads to prospective sellers in your listing presentations. It’s a clear demonstration of your ability to find buyers and sell their home quickly. (“Any one of these buyers could be ready to buy your home right now!”)
We highly recommend you print this “Buyers-in-Waiting” list, since a many-page hard copy looks more impressive than paging through your database or just quoting your number of leads. (Don’t forget to take the list away with you after the presentation!)
Our EngageCRM includes a reports module that can easily generate lists of any type from your database. It even has a “Buyers-in-Waiting” preset option.
Bonus tip: Don’t underestimate the power of social proof! Database lists, testimonials, and positive social media comments are all useful for promoting your service and expertise. Try reaching out to your Sphere of Influence to get more testimonials.
Our team of digital marketing experts has 27+ years of experience designing effective follow-up strategies, plus technology you can leverage to get more conversations with less effort. To learn more, click the green button below to get started with a free marketing assessment.
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